Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Single-striped Grass Spider

Meet Perenethis Unifasciata
The Single-striped Grass Spider is a common arachnid.
You would usually find it living on grass and leaves and this time of the year, its out in full force at Gasing Hill.
I am a big fan of predatory spiders that are non-web weavers, so, the Perenethis Unifasciata  would fit in my books nicely.
In my past visits to Gasing Hill, I've recorded a few of this spiders.
I often mistook it for a Wolf-spider which is much smaller and usually crawls on the ground.

The Single-striped grass spider as you would see it on a normal scale
Its not hard to locate the grass-spider which is roughly about 12mm in length.
All I did, was pick it up and set it on 1x magnification to get a good shot.
By right, I should have used a short macro lens like the 50mm F2.5 macro to capture a full-body shot and slowly work my way to the extreme close-ups.

A fine specimen
Working on capturing the details..
With a cooperative spider that stood still while I was snapping away, I was happy to land a set.
And the details were amazing.
It don't take much effort to work on a 2.5 - 3x magnification to bring out the character of the grass-spider.
The Gasing Hill is also home to larger predatory spiders like the yellow-gold and the magnificent Golden Huntsman. 
I hope to do some follow-up trip to this recreational forest to capture the spiders for my record.



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