I hate to pull the rabbit out of the hat, but since its not too late, I've pulled the plug on getting
a Canon EOS550D and a BG-E8 battery grip for my wife as her wedding anniversary
present.Why? I found out that I nearly got shafted by Canon Marketing Malaysia over the deal.In my previous post, I said they offered a super special deal to the Press with everything
thrown in.That infuriated me and the very moment I saw the price list, my blood went boiling.Since my wife doesn't need a camera that urgently, I shelved the deal by revoking my
camera loan application from the Human Resources department.That said, there won't be anymore Canon cameras for a while.
a Canon EOS550D and a BG-E8 battery grip for my wife as her wedding anniversary
present.Why? I found out that I nearly got shafted by Canon Marketing Malaysia over the deal.In my previous post, I said they offered a super special deal to the Press with everything
thrown in.That infuriated me and the very moment I saw the price list, my blood went boiling.Since my wife doesn't need a camera that urgently, I shelved the deal by revoking my
camera loan application from the Human Resources department.That said, there won't be anymore Canon cameras for a while.
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