Sunday, March 8, 2009

Data usage on cellphones is an advantage - especially for media folks.You can check emails, browse the net and download applications on the go. But there is one hidden catch and
that's the hidden cost.I learned this when I utilised my Nokia N-82's built-in A-GPS system. This is a navigational tool using cell network
to traingulate your location.Its cool to deploy, but each time you leave the data streaming on your phone, it sucks up your airtime credit like a
dry sponge.For 30-minutes of combined usage, I was charged RM52. So, in less than three days, my call credit went down
to RM1.31. I was appalled to see it and when I rang up my telco's customer service - I was told that the bulk of the
charges were billed on data transfer.Another fault was my phone cos each time I open the Nokia Maps application, it automatically enables data
streaming. And each time it logs into the site, I see a drop in my credit. So, that said, I have to be sparing when it comes to
utilising the phone's GPS. That said, its back to basics - use the Garmin GPSmap 76csx...

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