Outdoor Gear Malaysia's (OGM) Lye Choon Keong had shown me his ESEE Laser Strike fixed blade knife.
I am a fan of 4" utility blades and this one nails it on the head.
After being shown the knife, I was impress with the fit, finish and overall quality of the knife.
On the surface, the Laser Strikes looked like any other knife.
But when you peel its canvas micarta slabs, a piece of ferrocium rod and some cotton tinder are concealed in a special compartment.
Even with all the bells and whistles in concealment, the knife retains its sleek profile.
Before this, most of ESEE's field knives are bulky.
To make it even more 'jungle proof' the Laser Strike comes with a molded plastic sheath.
In our constantly hot and humid environment, there's no issues on moisture damaging the knife's carrying option.
The Laser Strike is also a beefy knife with a quarter-inch thick spine.
My only concern is the carbon steel.
But since the entire blade is coated in black powder, the only exposed part is the edge.
If you use it a lot, rust is not an issue..
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A formidable field tool: the ESEE Laser Strike |
The Candiru is the latest offering from ESEE's range of small field blades.
Its very practical in our neck of the woods as it is small and powder-coated.
You might want to add a set of micarta slabs to give it more grip while cutting or dressing field game.
What I like about this knife, is its pricing. Pretty affordable.
I hope that OGM would bring in the knives to cater for the survival and outdoor enthusiasts here in Malaysia..
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Small, but packs a punch! The ESEE Candiru |
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