I hate weddings. It sucks when people engage you on a job that zaps your energy and for the whole day, made to run around like a headless chicken. As a matter of fact, it was my first wedding photography assignment in 10 years.
I keep a low-profile when people ask on whether I shoot weddings or not. I don't have the equipment nor the patience to deal with families and fussy folks who wanted this and that. And since my in-laws had requested, and the wifey had put in the word, I felt obliged.
Anyways, spent the entire Saturday taking shots of Michelle's cousin's wedding in Church, tea ceremony and the dinner. With alcohol still running in my blood, I felt wasted and I didn't know how I sprained my left index finger -- my bread and butter body part...
Oh, well, here are some samples I shot on my Canon Powershot G-7 on Saturday. Played with the B&W and colour mix feature on the camera. And yeah, the angpow given was also SUCKY! Saving grace was the dinner, great company of some of Michelle's relatives and the good food including lots of beers!
wah still clinging to one ? me...? ya still doing it but in the weightless world la... a point and shoot also feel very heavy to me now hahahaha
How come Lau's shirt is er... semi-blue?
Eh Bo, mentang-mentang engko dah jadi reporter, jangan lah menyindir.. I may have left the profession, but cameras are still considered as tools in my books..
Ah.. That blue tint.. Special effect.. Black and White with colour tint..
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